Constitution of the Basingstoke Ramblers’ Club
Our Mission Statement
‘To be the preferred local provider of healthy walking activities available to all members of the public, and provide regular, interesting walks in a friendly atmosphere to suit all ages and abilities at an affordable cost.’
The name of the organisation (hereafter referred to as the Club) shall be THE BASINGSTOKE RAMBLERS’ CLUB.
The Club shall be affiliated to The Ramblers and The Campaign to Protect Rural England, and have Activity Club Membership with HF Holidays.
a. To encourage the enjoyment of the countryside by arranging rambles.
b. To protect the amenities of the countryside and encourage adherence to the Countryside Code.
c. To organise social events and rambling holidays for the participation of the members, and to encourage activities within the Club and the community.
a. The Club shall be a members club and consist of Members and Life Members.
b. Members:
i. Any person of 16 years of age or over may become a member by making an application to join and by payment of the current year’s subscription.
ii. Individuals under the age of 18 years may not vote at any meeting, nor hold office in the Club.
iii. Members who have given distinguished services to the Club, or non-members who have given such service to rambling, may be elected Life Members of the Club by proposal and majority vote at an Annual General Meeting. They will pay no subscription and will enjoy all the rights of membership.
c. The Committee shall have the power to refuse to accept an application for membership. Such non-acceptance of an applicant shall be at the sole discretion of the Committee and no reason for the refusal need be given to the applicant.
d. The full Committee can, by a three-quarters majority vote, revoke the membership of any person who has offended against the rules of the Club or whose conduct has, in the opinion of the Committee, rendered them unfit for membership of the Club. Before any such membership is revoked the Secretary shall give the member not less than seven days written notice to attend a meeting of the Committee and shall inform the member of the complaints made. No membership may be revoked without the member first having the opportunity of appearing before the Committee and answering the complaints made.
The annual subscription fee shall be decided by a vote of the members at the Annual General Meeting. They will become due immediately for the current year. Any member who has not paid the subscription before 1st May in the current year shall cease to be a member. To rejoin the Club, the full annual subscription for the year in which they rejoin must be paid.
a. The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) every year on the first Friday in February, or as soon as possible thereafter. Notification of the time and place of this meeting must be given in the Club Newsletter, or by other means, no later than 31st December.
b. A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Secretary if requested by the Chairman, the Committee, or in writing by not less than twenty members. The purpose of the meeting must be included in the request and no other business may be discussed. Notice of such a meeting must be given to all members at least one week before the date of the meeting, unless circumstances warrant a shorter period.
c. Twenty members shall constitute a quorum for a General Meeting.
d. Changes to the Constitution may be made at a General Meeting provided members have been sent details of the proposed changes not less than one week before the date of the meeting.
e. At any meeting of the Club or Committee, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
a. Those affairs of the Club not reserved for General Meetings shall be managed by the General Committee (hereafter referred to as the Committee) of the Club consisting of the following named Officers: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, Walks Programme Secretary, Rights of Way Secretary, Membership Secretary and Webmaster, together with two other members. The members of the Committee shall be elected at the AGM. A Vice-Chairman will be elected by the Committee from among its members at the first meeting after the AGM. Nominations for committee members must be proposed and seconded, and have the consent of the nominee. They can either be in writing on the forms provided by the Secretary before the AGM, or made verbally at the AGM. Committee members will retire from office every year, but will be eligible for re-election.
b. The Committee will have the power to appoint sub-committees. The terms of reference and duration of such sub-committees shall be decided by the Committee upon formation.
c. The quorum for a Committee Meeting shall be four, including two of the Officers. The quorum for any subcommittee meeting shall be two.
d. The Committee shall have the power at any time to fill a vacancy among its Officers and members, and any person so appointed shall hold office only until the next AGM but shall then be eligible for re-election. The Committee shall also have the power at any time to co-opt members as may be deemed necessary in the interests of the Club.
· The Chairman shall conduct the business of Committee and General Meetings and deal with issues arising between Committee meetings. A Chairman’s report shall be presented annually at the AGM.
· The Vice-Chairman shall act for the Chairman in his/her absence, or when delegated to do so by the Chairman. · The Secretary shall receive all correspondence of the Club, issue all notices of meetings, and keep minutes of General Meetings and Committee Meetings.
· The Treasurer shall be responsible for overseeing all financial dealings of the Club and maintain bank accounts in the name of ‘Basingstoke Ramblers Club’. The Treasurer shall present annual audited accounts made up to the 31st December at the AGM.
· The Walks Programme Secretary shall co-ordinate the preparation and publication of a programme of rambles.
· The Rights of Way Secretary shall liaise with the appropriate local authority department concerning any matters relating to rights of way, including obstructions, diversions and/or closures.
· The Membership Secretary shall receive all membership subscriptions, maintain the membership records and be responsible for associated matters relating to membership, including the issue of membership cards.
· The Newsletter Editor shall produce, with assistance, a monthly newsletter and arrange for its distribution to members.
· The Webmaster shall maintain and update the Club’s website and deal with all matters relating to it.
· Committee Members shall undertake roles as agreed by the Committee. 8. AUDITOR An Auditor shall be appointed at each AGM to audit the Treasurer’s accounts for that year. The auditor must not be a member of the Committee.
An Auditor shall be appointed at each AGM to audit the Treasurer’s accounts for that year. The auditor must not be a member of the Committee.
Neither the Club nor any official thereof shall be liable to any member or their guest(s) for personal injury or loss/damage to personal property sustained during any of the Club’s activities.
a. The Club may be dissolved only by a properly convened assembly of the membership at a General Meeting.
b. At least two-thirds of the members must be present at this General Meeting and the Club can be dissolved only if more than three-quarters of those present votes for dissolution.
c. If two-thirds of the members are not present then the General Meeting must be postponed so that a postal ballot of the complete membership may be carried out. A simple majority of those who vote in the ballot must agree to dissolution.
d. If dissolution is proposed and voted for at a General Meeting, any five members may demand a postal ballot even though two-thirds of members are present.
e. This rule ‘DISSOLUTION’ can only be amended by a postal ballot and at least two-thirds of the membership must be in agreement with any amendment before it can be altered.
f. After dissolution, all remaining monies and property shall be given to an organisation(s) with objectives similar to those of the Club.
a. It is the responsibility of members to adhere to the Highway Code and Countryside Code during rambles.
b. The Committee may from time to time issue ‘Guidance for Members on Walks’ and ‘Advice for Walk Leaders’.
c. These documents will be annexed to this Constitution and given to all new members.
Constitution as updated at the Annual General Meeting on 7th February 2014.